• A ghostly white saucer hovers over the peaks of El Chaltén in southern Argentina. As wind thrashes the nearby clouds, the saucer remains fixed above the craggy summit, anchored in the sky like a mothership surveying the hills below. It’s just a friendly neighborhood “UFO cloud” (unidentified flying object)— better known in meteorological circles as a standing lenticular cloud.
  • This eerie weather phenomenon is relatively common in mountainous regions like El Chaltén, or the Rocky Mountains in the U.S., where high-speed winds ricochet over a tall peak, creating a distinct lens- or saucer-shaped cloud formation high in the sky.
Ghostly 'UFO cloud' hovering over mountains wows judges in weather photo  contest | Live Science
Lenticular Clouds - Crystalinks
Ghostly 'UFO cloud' hovering over mountains wows judges in weather photo  contest | Live Science


(Images/video taken from google/IE)