• YouTube user Dutchsinse has been predicting quakes with 75-80% accuracy; he correctly predicted major quakes in Peru and Alaska. An online independent forecaster continues to make prescient predictions of future earthquakes using seismic data, Google Earth, and imaging from the recently launched GOES weather satellite. His predictions have consistently fallen within a 70 to 80 percent accuracy range, correctly predicting the recent spate of earthquakes on the Pacific, from southern Peru to Alaska. His predictions over the next week portend earthquakes shaking locations in the Midwest and northern New York.
  • In the wake of predicting a 7.9 magnitude in Alaska, as well as a 5.8 magnitude quake in northern California, shows two plumes of steam erupting from locations in Death Valley and the Grand Canyon. Dutchsinse points to these two spots as being isolated, arid, and desolate localities to dispel comments from detractors saying he’s just seeing weather phenomena or controlled burns from farmers.

(Image/Video taken from google/IE)